Good Living Better live your dreams easily here

Everything you need about finding your place to live will be here, where it will be easier for you. Our furniture is made from selected and best quality materials that are suitable for your dream home

Our Partnership

  • 1K+ People

    Successfully Getting Home

  • 56 Houses

    Sold Monthly

  • 4K+

    People Looking for New Homes

Our Recommendation

Featured House

Roselands House

$ 35.000.000


Dianne Russell

Manchester, Kentucky


New House


$ 20.000.000


Robert Fox

Dr. San Jose, South Dakota


Best Deals

The Old Lighthouse

$ 44.000.000


Ronald Richards

Santa Ana, Illinois

Cosmo's House

$ 22.000.000


Jenny Wilson

Preston Rd. Inglewood, Maine 98380

Cosmo's House

$ 22.000.000


Jenny Wilson

Preston Rd. Inglewood, Maine 98380


Benefit You Get When Using Our Services


Home Furniture throughout Indonesia


Staff ready to help you

Best Quality

All of our funiture uses the best materials and choices for our customers.

Free Shipping

All of our funiture uses the best materials and choices for our customers.

Space Customization

All of our funiture uses the best materials and choices for our customers.


Let’s tour and see our house!

Houses recommended by our partners that have been curated to become the home of your dreams!

House Detail
  • 4 Bedrooms

  • 1 Carport

  • 2 Bathrooms

  • 2 Floors

Dianne Russell

Manager Director

See Our Review

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Find out more about selling and buying homes

  • Dianne Russell

    The things we need to check when we want to buy a house

    4 min read | 25 Apr 2021

  • Courtney Henry

    7 Ways to distinguish the quality of the house we want to buy

    6 min read | 24 Apr 2021

Cameron Williamson

12 Things to know before buying a house

8 min read | 25 Apr 2021